Jun 25

ObstacEELS Citizen Science Training with ARK

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Practical training workshop learning to identify and log barriers to eel migration for volunteers in the Kennet or Pang catchment.

This workshop is with our project partner Action for the River Kennet (ARK) and is for those who have attended the online workshop being held on Tuesday 22nd June. ARK are looking for keen Eel Force volunteers to be trained to become part of their citizen science eel barrier walkover surveyor team (Eel Force).

The training is a two step process, with online training and ‘in the field’ training. This event is step two.

If you would would like to volunteer to be part of a team of volunteers that walk specified stretches of the Kennet and/or Pang in organised groups on specific dates this year please do email mia@riverkennet.org for more details/to book your place.

Citizen science ObstacEELS surveying is part of our Thames Catchment Community Eels Project.

This project is funded by the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund. The fund is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England and the Environment Agency.


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