October 2023

Wet wipes consultation

Support a Ban on the Sale of Wet Wipes Containing Plastic.

Plastic pollution is having a huge impact on our rivers and streams. Billions of wet wipes, which are made from single use plastics are being flushed down loos and are finding there way into our rivers, streams. This is plastic pollution and is not good for communities and is even worse for the wildlife. For example, fish digestive systems are being clogged up with plastic fibres.

Have your say and lend you voice to helping rivers, by contributing to Defra’s Consultation on wet wipes containing plastic in the UK. We at TRT think there has already been sufficient research into this matter and believe wet wipes containing plastic must be banned.

The consultation closes 25th November.

How do wet wipes end up in our rivers?

Wet wipes get flushed down loos, this is NOT how they should be disposed of. Only the 3 Ps should be flushed down the loo. Poo, pee and paper (toilet paper).

Wet wipes cause blockages in the sewers, sewer lids can ‘pop’ and when sewage overflows ‘spill’ items such as wet wipes and sanitary products end up either floating down our rivers or end up caught up in natural habitats such as overhanging trees.

Please take a few moments to fill out the Defra online survey and let’s get wet wipes containing plastics banned now.


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