September 2020

New EA Water Quality Data shows no improvements

The latest Water Framework Directive Classification Status data, published by the Environment Agency, shows the state of the country’s rivers throughout 2019 based on ecological and chemical factors.

Sadly, the percentage of rivers achieving good ecological status remains unchanged, at 14%. Chemical pollutants assessed for means that 0% of rivers met good chemical status.

Thames Rivers Trust Chairman, Dave Wardle said, ‘We are extremely disappointed that there is no improvement. The data demonstrates a clear need for proper government funding, strategic planning and even stronger partnership working.

It is clear that the EA is carrying out less monitoring. For monitoring to be useful it has to be effective and co-ordinated. Citizen Science has a role to play here and Rivers Trusts are ideally placed to collect certain continuous and robust data, but adequate funding is essential.’

Read our full statement Thames Rivers Trust – statement

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