December 2017
Help us challenge proposed increases in charges for EA permits
Thames Rivers Trust is concerned that the Environment Agency is proposing to increase charges for permits.
The EA has published a consultation (open until the 26th January 2018) which proposes increases to the charges for permits to carry out habitat improvement work of the type rivers trusts, wildlife trusts and angling clubs have been doing for years; delivering public and environmental benefit improving habitats, biodiversity, reducing flood risk, removing obstacles to fish migration, often with significant recreational benefits.
Much of the practical work to implement WFD objectives is now carried out by the third sector in partnership with the EA, local authorities and riparian owners.
The proposed increase costs are prohibitive for small scale Rivers Trust’s type projects. We are deeply concerned that the proposed EPR charges will impose a disproportionate burden on smaller third sector delivery groups.
This could severely damage the ability of Rivers Trusts and others to carry out work on projects to improve river habitats for wildlife and people. It’s quite a daunting document, however there are only one or two sections that are directly relevant.
Consultation now closed